Just wanted to highlight a couple events in the coming week that might be of interest to College Terrace residents. The first is a docent-led walking tour of College Terrace, sponsored by Palo Alto Stanford Heritage. The tour will take in some of College Terrace’s oldest and most historic homes. The walk is this Saturday, October 5, at 10am and begins at the corner of College and Harvard, in front of 1181 College Avenue.
For those interested in the College Terrace of today and tomorrow (in other words, all of us!), on Monday night at 6pm, the Palo Alto City Council will be reviewing a workplan to address the Council’s priority around Transportation and Traffic. This topic comes up at every CTRA board meeting and this is an excellent opportunity to see what the city is doing to address it. Read the staff report online to learn more. You can provide your comments at the meeting or write an email to Council at city.council@cityofpaloalto.org.