Date: Thursday, July 27, 2023
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Location: College Terrace Library
7:00 Agenda Changes & “Open Mic”:
- Comments open to all meeting attendees on topics not on this Agenda
7:10 College Terrace Library update
- Diana Learned, Supervising Librarian, Introduction
- Palo Alto and College Terrace Library services review
7:20 College Terrace Block Party (Mary)
- ‘Know your Neighbors’ grant application approved
- Confirm and lock in date for September
- Review logistics: Invitations, location, support (food/beverage), activities/prizes, music, etc.
- Update College Terrace on city changes…Invite city council member/s to the picnic?
- Quit Carbon Information – Kyra Koons Introduction
7:50 College Terrace Residents → Increasing Engagement & Participation (Melissa)
- Community Priorities Survey Review & Input
- Email Collection Campaign: Review Timing, Logistics and Outreach Strategies
8:20 “Around the Terrace” Updates (Melissa)
- Review recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.
- Update on website
- Stop signs on Stanford Ave at Wellesley and Oberlin
- Create safe crossing for Escondido kids and bikers
- Stanford Housing Plan
- Meet with Stanford to discuss