College Terrace Residence Association 2025-26 Open Board Positions

Dear College Terrace Residents,

Your CTRA Board that represents all of the Terrace are seeking residents who would like to participate as a Board Member for the community. Our goals as a board are to encourage CT community events that bring us and our children together for opportunities to get to know each other and socialize.

Over the years, CTRA as represented residents in advocating for our community with the City of Palo Alto and Stanford University relative to issues like vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian safety, traffic calming and parking restrictions, toxicity of ground water from Stanford Research Park, as well as any other issues that have been concern to our neighbors. 

It is a great and rewarding opportunity to get involved with other neighbors and participate in decision making that impacts the community.  

Board positions have several requirements:
1.  Residency in College Terrace

2.  Ability to attend our monthly Board meetings (1 hour on the second Thursday of each month) as well as attend our Annual meeting in March or April.

3. Wllingness to work together and collaborate with other Board members on the above goals.

If you are interested and/or would like additional information, please email or call/text 
Richard Stolee, CTRA Board President
650-468-9000 or