College Terrace Parking Permits Annual Renewal (9/1/23 – 8/31/24)

The College Terrace Residential Preferential Parking (RPP) Program requires all vehicles to have a permit to park on designated streets for more than 2 hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. If parking for less than two hours, a permit is not needed. View the College Terrace map(PDF, 85KB) to confirm your block’s participation in the program.

Annual Permits (Sept 1 – Aug 31) can be purchased by RPP Program area residents and intended for use by the residents of a specific property within the RPP Program district.

Office of Transportation – Parking Program Support

Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. PST
Phone: (650) 329-2520

Book an in-person appointment

Have questions about parking? Need help with your parking needs? Appointments are available at City Hall with Parking staff. Book an appointment

Rescheduled: Car-Free Streets Follow-Up

The City has rescheduled its follow-up meeting regarding Car Free Streets: California Avenue and Ramona Street to Thursday, April 27 from 6pm to 7:30pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom and is a follow-up to the in-person meeting held in December.

The City will share community outreach findings and recommendations for next steps, including demonstration projects and future study topics, and wants to hear your feedback. For more information, visit the project page at: 

Car Free Streets Follow-Up Meeting

Some of you attended the City’s Car Free Streets Community Workshop back in December to discuss priorities, opportunities, and challenges of Palo Alto’s car-free streets (California Ave and Ramona St downtown).

There will be a follow-up Community Meeting on a date to be determined. (Update as of March 24: This meeting was originally scheduled for March 30, but has been postponed.) The meeting link and agenda will be on the project webpage prior to the community meeting. 

The City will share community outreach findings and recommendations for next steps for demonstration and interim projects, and wants to hear your feedback. Please RSVP to Ozzy Arce at For more information, visit the project page at: 

Around the Terrace: February 18, 2023

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • College Terrace Library Open on Wednesdays Starting February 22
    The Palo Alto City Library continues to expand hours at the branch libraries and starting next week, our College Terrace Library will be open again on Wednesdays from 10am to 6pm. (The library will now be open four days a week, Wednesday through Saturday, 10am-6pm.)
  • Board and Commissions Recruitment Now Open
    The City is now recruiting for positions on the Historic Resources Board, Human Relations Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning and Transportation Commission, and the Utilities Advisory Commission. Members volunteer their time and expertise to review items and make recommendations to the City Council. If you would like to contribute towards helping our City continue fostering recovery, make progress on city priorities, and further the city’s legislative process, please consider applying for these open positions.
  • University Avenue Streetscape Workshop on March 1
    Similar to the discussion held about California Avenue back in December, the City invites the community to give input and ideas about the University Avenue corridor. This in-person community workshop will take place March 1 at 6pm at the Downtown Library

Car Free Streets Community Workshop: December 7

The City of Palo Alto is hosting an in-person interactive Community Workshop on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at 310 California Avenue (Performance Gains Gym) to discuss priorities, opportunities, and challenges of Palo Alto’s car-free streets: California Avenue between El Camino Real and Birch Street, and the half block of Ramona Street between University Avenue and Hamilton Avenue.

This community workshop will include a presentation on the Program’s background, the existing conditions, an update on where the Program is going, and a chance for you to share your experience and ideas to help shape a future study for the streets. This engagement effort is a part of the Uplift Local: Car-Free Streets, California Avenue and Ramona Street Program—a Council-supported initiative launched during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow for outdoor dining, retail, and personal services on certain portions of Ramona Street and California Avenue. 

For more information, visit the Program page. To RSVP for the workshop, use this link: