College Terrace Residence Association 2025-26 Open Board Positions

Dear College Terrace Residents,

Your CTRA Board that represents all of the Terrace are seeking residents who would like to participate as a Board Member for the community. Our goals as a board are to encourage CT community events that bring us and our children together for opportunities to get to know each other and socialize.

Over the years, CTRA as represented residents in advocating for our community with the City of Palo Alto and Stanford University relative to issues like vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian safety, traffic calming and parking restrictions, toxicity of ground water from Stanford Research Park, as well as any other issues that have been concern to our neighbors. 

It is a great and rewarding opportunity to get involved with other neighbors and participate in decision making that impacts the community.  

Board positions have several requirements:
1.  Residency in College Terrace

2.  Ability to attend our monthly Board meetings (1 hour on the second Thursday of each month) as well as attend our Annual meeting in March or April.

3. Wllingness to work together and collaborate with other Board members on the above goals.

If you are interested and/or would like additional information, please email or call/text 
Richard Stolee, CTRA Board President
650-468-9000 or

Annual AlertSU System Test – Wednesday, 2/12/25 @ Approx. 12:05pm

On Wednesday, February 12, at approximately 12:05 p.m., Stanford University will conduct its annual test of the campus AlertSU system. Alert messages will be sent via text message and email to the Stanford community. It will also post to the University emergency website, Public Safety website and the Stanford mobile app.

The outdoor warning system will be activated. If you are outside, you should expect to hear an audible tone for approximately 30 seconds, followed by a verbal message from each of the 7 sirens at various campus locations. The sirens will be audible throughout the campus and may also be heard in parts of the surrounding communities, including Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Los Altos.

In a real emergency, the AlertSU message will contain specific instructions.  Other sources of information about critical incidents include:

Members of the public can register to receive AlertSU emergency alerts by downloading the Stanford mobile app and enabling the app notifications.

Emergency Services Volunteer Program & Block Preparedness Coordinator Training 2/12/25 @ 6pm – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

To help our neighborhood and city better respond to large-scale emergencies the City of Palo Alto has an Emergency Services Volunteer program.  Our first responders are wonderful, but there aren’t enough of them to report and prioritize the hundred of events that will happen in a large-scale emergency.  Think fire, floods and earthquakes.

In College Terrace, we’d like at least one Block Preparedness Coordinator (BPC) volunteer per block to serve as a point of contact.

No skills necessary, other than a willingness to be our eyes and ears in an emergency. Palo Alto’s Emergency Services Volunteer (ESVs) efforts include:
        BPC – Block preparedness coordinator (eyes and ears)
        NPC – Neighborhood preparedness coordinator (Malcolm Slaney for College Terrace)
        CERT – Community emergency response teams (some first aid and radio resources)
        EOC – Palo Alto Emergency Operations Center (currently in Cubberly)

Questions: or 650-617-3197

College Terrace Neighborhood Coordinator:
Malcolm Slaney

College Terrace Winter Fest: SATURDAY, 12/14 @ 4PM (College Terrace Library)

Join us this Saturday, 12/14 for an afternoon/early evening of winter festivities! There will be crafts for kiddos, beverages for adults and lots of holiday cheer! Please bring something to share — cookies, baked goods, savory goods — anything that promotes the holiday spirit!

EventBrite RSVP Link: Annual College Terrace Winter Fest
Date: Saturday, 12/14
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Location: College Terrace Library (2300 Wellesley St)
Activities: Winter crafts for kiddos and holiday goodies for everyone!

Annual College Terrace Block Party/Picnic! Saturday, 9/28 @ 4PM (Werry Park)

Join us for the Annual College Terrace Block Party!

EventBrite RSVP Link to RSVP: Annual College Terrace Block Party/Picnic
Date: Saturday, 9/28
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: Werry Park @ 2100 Dartmouth Street
Activities: Music, games, activities and food truck!

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet your neighbors, make new friends, and enjoy our community.

Whether you’re a student, a family who recently moved to the Terrace, or a long-time resident, this block party has something for everyone.