Budget Cuts Target CT Library (Again)

The City Manager presented a proposed FY2022 budget to the City Council on Monday and, once again, the College Terrace Library is on the chopping block. The current proposal recommends closing the College Terrace, Downtown, and Children’s libraries to the public in favor of vending machines for contactless distribution.

The College Terrace Library is most than just a library – it’s a gathering place and hub for residents of College Terrace, Evergreen Park, Southgate, Mayfield, Ventura, Barron Park, Stanford, and beyond. And as we emerge from the pandemic, we’ll need community centers like the College Terrace Library more than ever.

Our local Fire Station #2 (on Hanover St.) is also targeted for further service reductions. The station currently experiences “brownouts” during weekday nights and weekends; these would be extended to all day, every day. This means the station would be shut down anytime firefighters at the station are on leave.

This staffing model would result in longer response times and a reduced ability to handle simultaneous calls. Every second counts in an emergency and relying on backfill from a station across town, or worse, elsewhere in the county, puts residents’ lives in jeopardy. And with California’s increasingly dangerous fire seasons, full staffing for EMS and fire suppression alike is critical.

As with last year’s budget discussions, we encourage neighbors to let the City Council know how you feel about these potential budget cuts. Two ways for you to do that:

  1. Email the City Council at city.council@cityofpaloalto.org and let them know how important the College Terrace Library and Fire Station #2 are to you and our community.
  2. Attend the City‘s Budget Town Hall on Thursday night at 6pm via Zoom. City Staff will share details about the proposed budget and share how residents can engage with the process in the coming weeks. Register here.

The Council will begin budget hearings to discuss potential cuts next Tuesday and Wednesday. You can find the schedule on the City‘s budget website.

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: April 21, 2021

The next CTRA board meeting will be Wednesday, April 21, at 7:00pm via Zoom. All College Terrace residents are welcome to attend! Use this link to access the meeting.

At this month’s meeting, we’ll have a guest speaker: Megan Swezey-Fogarty, Stanford’s Associate Vice President for Community Engagement. Other topics include budget cuts at the College Terrace library, PHZ and RMD zoning, and a discussion of the board’s goals for 2021-22. Read the full agenda.

Around the Terrace: March 26, 2021

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • Wellesley Community Meeting Postponed
    If you RSVP’d to Cato’s community meeting about the Wellesley project, you should have received a notification that the meeting has been postponed from its originally scheduled date on April 1. No new date has been set, but we’ll keep you posted.
  • 231 Grant: Neighborhood Community Design Workshops
    There will be a pair of Neighborhood Community Design Workshops to solicit feedback on the proposed teacher housing at 231 Grant. The meetings will on April 6 and April 14, both at 5:30pm via Zoom. Click here for links.
  • Elementary Schools to Reopen Five Days a Week in April
    With elementary schools reopening more widely, just a reminder to pay close attention when driving along Stanford Avenue near Escondido Elementary as more students will be heading to and from school.

Annual Meeting Recap and New Board

Thanks to everyone who attended the CTRA’s annual meeting on Saturday morning! It was fantastic to see friendly faces, even if it was over Zoom. Special thanks to Palo Alto mayor Tom DuBois for his presentation and for taking time to answer questions from the neighborhood. The Q&A covered topics ranging from the proposed apartments on Wellesley Street and PHZ zoning to pedestrian safety at the busy intersection of California Avenue and El Camino Real.

Also, the results of the 2021-22 CTRA board election were announced:

  • President: James Cook
  • Vice President: Dan Kaleba
  • Secretary: Eileen Stolee
  • Treasurer: Sukhi Nagesh
  • Communications Director: Chris Saccheri
  • Social Coordinator: Mary Bartholomay
  • Stanford Observer: Pria Graves
  • City Observer: Annette Ross
  • California Ave Business District Observer: Ann Balin
  • Research Park Observer: Melanie Grondel

Missed the meeting? You can watch the video.