Dealing With Neighborhood Coyotes

Wildlife expert Peter Gotcher of the Santa Clara County Vector Control District spoke at the May 16 CTRA board meeting regarding the recent coyote sightings in our neighborhood. For those who missed the meeting, you can watch Peter’s presentation here:

You can also download his flyer, Managing Neighborhood Coyotes,  which contains useful information on making your property (and pets) less appealing to coyotes, as well as how to handle coyote encounters in the neighborhood.

Please report all coyote sightings in the neighborhood to SCC Vector Control online or by calling (408) 918-4770.

Stanford Housing Construction in College Terrace

Representatives from Stanford attended the May 16 CTRA board meeting to give an update on the homes Stanford owns in College Terrace.

While most of the homes Stanford owns in our neighborhood are in the process of being sold or rented to faculty as-is (or with minor renovations), there are nine that Stanford is going to tear down and rebuild entirely. (Only seven will actually be torn down as two of the lots are currently vacant.)

These nine homes are located at:

  • 2040 Columbia St
  • 2070 Columbia St
  • 2100 Cornell St
  • 2035 Oberlin St
  • 2255 Oberlin St
  • 2320 Princeton St
  • 1015 Stanford Ave
  • 739 College Ave (vacant lot)
  • 757 College Ave (vacant lot)

Construction will be staggered and start between May and September 2018, with projected completion dates between June and October 2019.  Construction hours will be 8am to 6pm Monday-Friday and 9am to 6pm on Saturdays (no work on Sundays or holidays).

Questions or comments should be directed to the project manager, David Kirk at (650) 721-5794 or