2023 CTRA Annual Meeting on March 11

Save the date! The College Terrace Residents Association (CTRA) will hold its annual meeting and board election on Saturday, March 11, at the University Lutheran Church sanctuary (1611 Stanford Ave at Bowdoin). Come at 9:30am to mingle and reconnect with neighbors and enjoy coffee and bagels. 

The meeting will begin at 10am with a welcome and “State of the Terrace” address from current CTRA president James Cook, followed by the election of the 2023-24 CTRA board of directors. We are looking for volunteers to join the board–email James if you are interested.

After the voting, Palo Alto mayor Lydia Kou will address the neighborhood and then answer questions. (Have a burning question for the mayor? This is your chance to ask!) After her Q&A, election results will be announced and the meeting will adjourn.

All College Terrace residents are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and reconnect with neighbors from all over College Terrace and hear directly from the mayor on issues of importance to our neighborhood. Hope to see you there!

Happy Holidays from the CTRA

Thanks to everyone who turned out for our Winter Sing-a-Long last week! It was so much fun making our way up College Avenue, singing holidays songs–sometimes in tune, sometimes in sync–and spending time with neighbors.

Thanks to Eileen Stolee for organizing the sing-a-long (and for the colorful lanterns the kids carried), her husband Richard for leading the singers, and to everyone else who helped put on this delightful event. And extra thanks to Alex Perez and everyone at Library Services for allowing us to use the space outside the College Terrace Library, where we met up for hot cocoa and mulled wine before heading off to sing.

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: November 16, 2022

The next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:00pm at the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, we will review the CTRA bylaws and discuss trash dropped at the corner of California/Hanover, plans for our next social event, the traffic lights at El Camino/Cambridge, and updates from the board’s observers.

All neighbors are encouraged to attend!

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: September 21, 2022

The next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 6:00pm outdoors at Mayfield Park, next to the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, we will have a presentation and Q&A on the city’s proposed business tax with Keith Reckdahl, a follow-up on June’s waterwise workshop, discussion and planning for our fall neighborhood picnic, and updates from the board’s observers.

All neighbors are encouraged to attend!

Reminder: Annual Meeting This Saturday

Just a friendly reminder that the CTRA will hold its annual meeting and board election THIS SATURDAY at the University Lutheran Church sanctuary (1611 Stanford Ave at Bowdoin). Here’s a rough schedule:

9:30am Mingle and Reconnect
•  Meet the Mayor, CTRA board candidates, and fellow neighbors
•  Refreshments

10:00am Annual Meeting
•  Remarks from CTRA president, James Cook
•  Election of 2022-23 CTRA Board
•  Remarks from Mayor Pat Burt
•  Q&A

If you can’t attend, you can still vote in the election via the online absentee ballot; just cast your vote before 9:30am on Saturday. And, as the ballot indicates, we are still seeking volunteers for a handful of board roles. These are low-commitment, but high-impact, and a fantastic way to serve your community! Reach out to CTRA president James Cook at ctra-president@collegeterrace.org if you’re interested.

And finally, paper copies of the CTRA Spring newsletter have been delivered to almost every doorstep in College Terrace. If we missed yours, you can read the newsletter online. There are also a few copies in some of the Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood.