Our Spring 2022 newsletter, Views from the Terrace, is here!
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In this newsletter, CTRA president James Felix Cook recaps the major events that occupied the CTRA this past year. There are also reports from each of the CTRA’s four observers.
The newsletter also includes biographies of the 2022-23 CTRA board candidates. We are still looking for volunteers for multiple open roles for 2022-23. Reach out to James at ctra-president@collegeterrace.org if you want to support your neighborhood by serving on the board. It is a low-committment, high-impact way to learn about city issues and help keep College Terrace a fantastic place to live!
We are planning to deliver printed copies of the newsletter to every doorstep in College Terrace next weekend (March 19-20), but wanted to make it available online as soon as it was ready, and well in advance of our IN-PERSON annual meeting on Saturday, March 26 at 10am at University Lutheran Church.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to neighbor Susan Wilson for all her work on this year’s newsletter!