CTRA Meeting with Library Reps: Tuesday, Dec 14 at 7pm

On Tuesday, December 14 at 7pm, the CTRA will host a virtual meeting with representatives from the Palo Alto Library to discuss the College Terrace Library. Library Services Manager Alex Perez and Library Director Gayathri Kanth will join the discussion. All neighbors (especially those who love our local neighborhood library!) are welcome to attend.

Use this link to join the meeting on the 14th:

Meeting ID: 796 0867 9240
Passcode: YCGg0X

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: November 17, 2021

The next CTRA board meeting will take place TONIGHT, Wednesday, November 17, at 6:00pm via Zoom. Here’s the link and passcode to join:

Passcode: CTRA

At this month’s meeting, the board will discuss retail vacancies on California Avenue, hours and usage of the College Terrace Library, recruiting for a new Stanford observer for the board, and more. All neighbors are welcome to attend!

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: September 22, 2021

After an August break, and moving this month’s meeting back a week due to Yom Kippur, the next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 22, at 6:00pm outdoors at Mayfield Park, next to the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, the board will discuss the neighborhood parking program, library hours and usage, the search for a new Stanford observer for the board, and goals for the coming year. All neighbors are welcome to attend!

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: July 21, 2021

The next CTRA board meeting will be Wednesday, July 21, at 7:00pm outdoors at Mayfield Park, next to the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, the primary topic will be finalizing plans for an end-of-summer picnic at Werry Park, as well as our usual board observer updates. All neighbors are welcome to attend!