CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: November 16, 2022

The next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:00pm at the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, we will review the CTRA bylaws and discuss trash dropped at the corner of California/Hanover, plans for our next social event, the traffic lights at El Camino/Cambridge, and updates from the board’s observers.

All neighbors are encouraged to attend!

Around the Terrace: October 23, 2022

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • Annual AlertSU Test on Thursday, October 27 at 12:05pm
    Stanford will conduct its annual test of its AlertSU system this Thursday around noon. In addition to text and email alerts to the Stanford community, the outdoor warning system will sound an audible tone for about 30 seconds from each of the 7 sirens around campus.

This Sunday: Princeton Street Block Party

The CTRA joins Princeton Street and College Avenue neighbors in presenting a “Know Your Neighbors” Family Block Party and Jam Session this Sunday afternoon (October 2) from 1pm to 5pm. Hot dogs, chips, and lemonade provided–bring a side, salad, or dessert to share! Keep it green by bringing your own reusable plate and utensils. Princeton Street will be blocked off between College and California for the duration of the event.

Bring your instruments and voices: there will be a stage set up for anyone who wants to jam or perform. There will be crafts for kids, games, prizes, and more. And, since it’s getting close to Halloween, feel free to come in costume!

All College Terrace residents are invited. Come by, meet your neighbors, and enjoy our neighborhood!

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: September 21, 2022

The next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 6:00pm outdoors at Mayfield Park, next to the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, we will have a presentation and Q&A on the city’s proposed business tax with Keith Reckdahl, a follow-up on June’s waterwise workshop, discussion and planning for our fall neighborhood picnic, and updates from the board’s observers.

All neighbors are encouraged to attend!

Around the Terrace: July 28, 2022

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • Dish Closure: August 1-14
    In what has become an annual ritual, the Dish Trail will be closed to the public starting Monday, August 1, and will re-open Monday, August 15 for summer maintenance work.
  • Time to Renew Your Parking Permits
    The renewal process for the College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) will begin on Monday, August 1, 2022. Existing permits will expire on August 31 and a grace period will be recognized until September 30 for residents with a permit from the previous year. Keep in mind that the City handles all permit purchases and renewals online–visit the permit site here and view step-by-step instructions for using it.