Around the Terrace: July 8, 2022

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

Waterwise Garden Workshop on June 18

Create a garden habitat instead of a lawn! Less water, less work… more fun!

Join us for a Waterwise Garden Workshop next Saturday, June 18, at 9:15am at Mayfield Park (next to the College Terrace Library). This one-hour workshop will be led by Mina Sharma of California Native Plant Society and Ashley Shannon, Senior Water Conservation Specialist at Valley Water (formerly known as Santa Clara County Water District).

  1. Show and tell with examples of California native plants to turn your lawn into a garden habitat.
  2. Learn how to use perennial plants and design options for a Waterwise garden with little maintenance and varied habitat for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
  3. Valley Water will give out information on lawn removal and rebates.

Bring your own seat as needed. Walk-in, first come, first serve. Space for 20 max. Distance as desired. Sponsored by the College Terrace Residents Association (CTRA).

Around the Terrace: May 3, 2022

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • Fireworks after Stanford Baseball on Saturday
    Stanford Baseball will be hosting the Cal Bears at Sunken Diamond on Saturday at 6pm. With an estimated attendance of 3,000, this game may generate heavier traffic before and after the game. A fireworks show will commence shortly after the game and will last for about 8-12 minutes. For details please contact Julia Lee at or call the Stanford University Noise Hotline at 650-724-4900.
  • Expanding Hours at the Library
    Starting Tuesday, May 10, hours will be expanded at all Palo Alto libraries. Our local College Terrace Library will be open on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10am-6pm.

Reminder: Annual Meeting This Saturday

Just a friendly reminder that the CTRA will hold its annual meeting and board election THIS SATURDAY at the University Lutheran Church sanctuary (1611 Stanford Ave at Bowdoin). Here’s a rough schedule:

9:30am Mingle and Reconnect
•  Meet the Mayor, CTRA board candidates, and fellow neighbors
•  Refreshments

10:00am Annual Meeting
•  Remarks from CTRA president, James Cook
•  Election of 2022-23 CTRA Board
•  Remarks from Mayor Pat Burt
•  Q&A

If you can’t attend, you can still vote in the election via the online absentee ballot; just cast your vote before 9:30am on Saturday. And, as the ballot indicates, we are still seeking volunteers for a handful of board roles. These are low-commitment, but high-impact, and a fantastic way to serve your community! Reach out to CTRA president James Cook at if you’re interested.

And finally, paper copies of the CTRA Spring newsletter have been delivered to almost every doorstep in College Terrace. If we missed yours, you can read the newsletter online. There are also a few copies in some of the Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood.