Memorial for a Neighbor

Many College Terrace residents likely remember the homeless man who often pushed a large cart around the area and slept on the street. He died a few weeks ago, on a cold night in front of the old Common Grounds building on College Avenue.

On Sunday, March 27 at 2pm, University Lutheran Church is holding a memorial for our neighbor on the green at the church. People are invited to share brief reflections and/or readings as part of the service. Because our neighbor was reluctant to share his name, Pastor Greg has opted to refer to him by the Biblical name, “Theophilus,” which means, “Beloved of God,” and hopes all will feel welcome to join and participate in the service.

Read the CTRA Spring Newsletter

Our Spring 2022 newsletter, Views from the Terrace, is here!

📰 Download the CTRA Spring 2022 Newsletter

In this newsletter, CTRA president James Felix Cook recaps the major events that occupied the CTRA this past year. There are also reports from each of the CTRA’s four observers.

The newsletter also includes biographies of the 2022-23 CTRA board candidates. We are still looking for volunteers for multiple open roles for 2022-23. Reach out to James at if you want to support your neighborhood by serving on the board. It is a low-committment, high-impact way to learn about city issues and help keep College Terrace a fantastic place to live!

We are planning to deliver printed copies of the newsletter to every doorstep in College Terrace next weekend (March 19-20), but wanted to make it available online as soon as it was ready, and well in advance of our IN-PERSON annual meeting on Saturday, March 26 at 10am at University Lutheran Church.

Finally, a HUGE thank you to neighbor Susan Wilson for all her work on this year’s newsletter!

CTRA Annual Meeting In-Person on March 26

For the first time in three years, the CTRA will hold its annual meeting and board election IN-PERSON on Saturday, March 26, at the University Lutheran Church sanctuary (1611 Stanford Ave at Bowdoin). Come at 9:30am to mingle and reconnect with neighbors and enjoy coffee and bagels.

The meeting will begin at 10am with a welcome and “State of the Terrace” address from current CTRA president James Cook, followed by the election of the 2022-23 CTRA board of directors. We are looking for volunteers to join the board–email James if you are interested.

After the voting, Palo Alto mayor Pat Burt will address the neighborhood and then answer questions. (Have a burning question for the mayor? This is your chance to ask!) After his Q&A, election results will be announced and the meeting will adjourn.

All College Terrace residents are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and reconnect with neighbors from all over College Terrace and hear directly from the mayor on issues of importance to our neighborhood. Hope to see you there!

Around the Terrace: March 5, 2022

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

A Moment of Prayer and Vigil for the People of Ukraine

Join us for a Moment of Prayer and Vigil to be held in Werry Park on Tuesday, March 1, at 6:30 pm.

This will be a gathering of song, sharing, prayer and meditation for the people of Ukraine and its neighbors from the people of College Terrace and surrounding neighborhoods. It’s a chance to come together in peace, for peace. Dress warm, bring a candle.

This event is being organized by the College Terrace Residents Association.