Love Your Neighborhood? Join the CTRA Board!

Do you love College Terrace? Want to learn more about the issues facing our neighborhood and help make it a more wonderful place to live? Join the College Terrace Residents’ Association board!

The CTRA’s mission is to enable residents to work together to maintain and enhance the quality of life in College Terrace. Our traffic barriers and traffic calming measures, our parking permit program, the continued operation of the College Terrace Library, and neighborhood picnics/social events are all thanks to the work of the CTRA and its members.

The CTRA is seeking volunteers for multiple roles in advance of its annual meeting, currently scheduled for the end of March. Most of these roles are high impact, but low-commitment–a couple hours a month at most, including our bimonthly meetings.

We know people are busy, but serving on the CTRA board is a fantastic way to learn about the issues affecting our neighborhood/city and, even better, do something about them! It’s also a great way to reconnect with neighbors as we emerge from the pandemic. (Who wants to plan an epic summer picnic?) It doesn’t matter if you’re a homeowner or renter, someone who’s lived in the neighborhood for thirty years or three months, we need you!

If you’re interested, please contact CTRA president James Cook at or reach out to any of the current CTRA board members.

Cal Ave Discussion at City Council on Monday

At its Monday, February 7 meeting, the City Council will discuss the temporary and potential permanent closures of California Avenue and Ramona Street to vehicles. You can see the full agenda and how to stream the meeting live at

Residents who want to express their opinions on the future of California Avenue are encouraged to email the City Council at before Monday’s meeting.

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: January 19, 2022

The next CTRA board meeting will take place Wednesday, January 19, at 7:00pm via Zoom. Here’s the link and passcode to join:
Passcode: kN8CMA

At this month’s meeting, the board will discuss last month’s presentation by the Library Services manager and the current COVID-related closure of the College Terrace Library, plans for the annual CTRA meeting and board election, and more. All neighbors are welcome!

Library Service Changes Due to COVID Surge

Due to the Omicron variant, the Palo Alto Library announced some changes to their service levels, effective Tuesday, January 18.

  • Children’s, College Terrace and Downtown libraries will be temporarily closed.
  • Rinconada Library will reduce hours to Wednesday to Saturday, noon to 6 p.m.

A recent email to Library cardholders provides more details about these service changes, including information for patrons who may need to pick up items on hold. Learn more about current library services.

CTRA Meeting with Library Reps: Tuesday, Dec 14 at 7pm

On Tuesday, December 14 at 7pm, the CTRA will host a virtual meeting with representatives from the Palo Alto Library to discuss the College Terrace Library. Library Services Manager Alex Perez and Library Director Gayathri Kanth will join the discussion. All neighbors (especially those who love our local neighborhood library!) are welcome to attend.

Use this link to join the meeting on the 14th:
Meeting ID: 796 0867 9240
Passcode: YCGg0X