CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: November 17, 2021

The next CTRA board meeting will take place TONIGHT, Wednesday, November 17, at 6:00pm via Zoom. Here’s the link and passcode to join:

Passcode: CTRA

At this month’s meeting, the board will discuss retail vacancies on California Avenue, hours and usage of the College Terrace Library, recruiting for a new Stanford observer for the board, and more. All neighbors are welcome to attend!

Around the Terrace: November 2, 2021

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • PAUSD Expands Covid Testing to All Palo Alto Residents
    PAUSD has expanded its Covid Testing Program to all residents in Palo Alto. Testing is available five days a week, from 10am-6pm starting Nov. 1st. The testing location is at the Cubberley Community Center. No appointment needed.
  • Junior Museum and Zoo Reopens on November 12
    The expanded Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo will reopen Friday, November 12. Redesigned with a focus on accessibility, there are a host of new interactive indoor exhibits as well as a two-story, wheelchair-accessible treehouse that overlooks the zoo.
  • College Terrace Library is Open
    Did you know you can send print jobs from your home computer to the library printers? Pick up books from other libraries transferred to our library? Use the library’s free wi-fi? The best way to make sure our beloved local library branch remains open is to use it! Stop by anytime from 1pm to 5pm on Thursdays and Fridays.

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda: September 22, 2021

After an August break, and moving this month’s meeting back a week due to Yom Kippur, the next CTRA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 22, at 6:00pm outdoors at Mayfield Park, next to the College Terrace Library.

At this month’s meeting, the board will discuss the neighborhood parking program, library hours and usage, the search for a new Stanford observer for the board, and goals for the coming year. All neighbors are welcome to attend!

Around the Terrace: September 11, 2021

Here are some recent announcements and news stories of interest to College Terrace and the surrounding area.

  • Palo Alto Together Again Kicks Off
    After over a year in lockdown, it’s time to celebrate our community’s resilience, strength—and finally being together again! The City and community partners are hosting Together Again, a series of 20+ celebrations taking place September 10-18, 2021 across Palo Alto. The events range from arts and culture and gardening classes to movies, concerts and sports and recreation activities.
  • Should Cars Return to University and California Avenues?
    The debate over whether to reopen University and California Avenues to car traffic continues Monday when the City Council will decide whether to extend the closures or let them end as currently planned on September 30. If you feel strongly about this debate, email the Council or attend Monday evening’s meeting.
  • Friends of Palo Alto Library Sale
    The Friends of Palo Alto Library are holding their monthly sale at 4000 Middlefield Road on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. The sale will feature well-priced books, puzzles, and games. Visit the FOPAL website for more information. These normally take place on the 2nd weekend of each month.

College Terrace Library Reopens Thursday

Finally, after being closed for nearly 18 months, the College Terrace library reopens this week! Starting Thursday, August 26, our local branch will reopen with limited hours on Thursdays and Fridays, from 1pm to 5pm.

In the fall, the Library plans to expand hours on Thursdays and Fridays, as well as include a weekend day at both College Terrace and Downtown (which also reopens this Thursday). Additionally, hours will expand at Mitchell Park and Rinconada. Read the library’s reopening plans for more information.

Of course, the best way to make sure our beloved local library branch remains open is to visit it often! Even if you’re not checking out materials, the City keeps track of all visits to each library, so stop in and take advantage of this amazing gem in our neighborhood.