City of Palo Alto Emergency Alert Testing | Thursday, 12/14 @ 12pm/noon

The City will conduct a test of its emergency alert system on Thursday, December 14 at noon. 

The test of the system seeks to ensure residents who have registered are receiving the emergency notifications as defined though their account settings. The test also seeks to build community awareness of the City’s emergency alert system, as only one third of Palo Alto residents are currently registered to receive emergency notifications. The City uses AlertSCC, a Santa Clara County emergency notification system employed by all Santa Clara County cities, to alert the public about emergency situations such as a flood incident, wildfire, or other public safety event.

The alert system is one approach used to communicate and keep the public informed during an emergency to share community impacts and risks to public safety. AlertSCC is free for everyone. It is quick and easy to set up, and users can select if alerts are sent directly to your mobile device, landline, and/or email address. You decide how you want to receive alerts and designate the order by which you want to be notified.

To sign up for the City’s emergency alert system, go to To read a recent announcement about the test of the City’s emergency alert system, go here.

CTRA Board Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Location: College Terrace Library

7:00   Agenda changes and “Open mic” time (Richard)

  • Open meeting & review agenda items

7:10  December Cookies, Cocoa & Carols Event (Mary)

  • Updates on event
  • EventBrite Invitation Created & Sent
  • Printed Flyers Created & Being Posted

7:30  California Ave Closure Updates (Ann/Leah)

  • Update board and community about California Ave Closure meeting

7:45  CTRA By-Laws Review (Bridget)

  • Existing By-Laws Updates

8:00  CTRA Fundraising (Bridget)

  • Review opportunities to fundraise and 

8:15  Meeting Minutes Approval (Diane)

  • Review Meeting Minutes & Approve

VIRTUAL – “Around the Terrace” Updates (Melissa)

  • Align on announcements/information needing to be shared with College Terrace
  • Update on website
  • Please email Melissa directly

College Terrace Residents’ Association: Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Location: College Terrace Library


7:00   Agenda changes and “Open mic” time: 

  • Richard to open meeting & review agenda items
  • Review approving a proclamation thanking former CTRA board members Ed and Anne Schmitt (Ann)

7:10  CTRA By-Laws Review (Bridget)

  • Overview of existing By-Laws

7:30  Stanford Community Plan (Pria)

  • Update board and community about Stanford Community Plan

7:40  Office of Transportation: Traffic Safety Surveys (Melissa)

  • Update on pedestrian and cyclist surveys from Palo Alto office of transportation

7:50  Meeting Minutes Approval (Diane)

  • Review Meeting Minutes & Approve

8:00  City Observer to the CTRA Board (Bridget)

  • Nomination and Possible Vote to Add Leah Cowan

8:15  December Caroling Event (Mary)

  • Date, Time, Location
  • Discuss logistics, entertainment, food/beverages, etc. 

8:45  “Around the Terrace” Updates (Melissa)

  • Align on announcements/information needing to be shared with College Terrace
  • Update on website


  • Emailed Phil Kamhi about the concerns posed by resident Andrew Fetter re: mini golf positioned near the El Camino Real at California Avenue and have not heard back. We will get back to him in future.

Palo Alto Residents’ Input Needed: Traffic & Safety Surveys

“Active Palo Alto” & “Safer Palo Alto”: Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan Update

The Office of Transportation is updating the City’s existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) plan with an initiative called Active Palo Alto. The initiative seeks to reflect the community’s needs and desires, consider recent trends in cycling and bicycle technology, and address changes in bicycle and pedestrian planning and design.

In parallel, the city has launched Safer Palo Alto (Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan) which targets eliminating traffic deaths and life-changing injuries on local streets.

CTRA encourages all residents to COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SURVEYS:

1. Interactive Map Survey
This interactive map allows residents to highlight areas they believe need attention. 

2. Road Safety Survey
This survey will be instrumental to understanding constituents’ attitudes for cyclist and pedestrian safety and how Palo Alto can better prioritize safety measures and infrastructure.

Roll On Over to Bike Palo Alto! It’s FREE AND FUN!

WHAT: Kickoff for PAUSD’s Walk & Roll Events
WHERE: Fairmeadow Elementary Blacktop
WHEN: Sunday, 10/1 from 1-3pm
HOW: Register online or at the school, select a route map and ride!

Discover bike bridges, off-road trails and underpasses, bike boulevards, protected bike lanes, and alternative bicycle routes that connect you to Palo Alto parks, libraries and other local destinations.

Planned bike routes take you into local parks, open space and other destinations, including: the Baylands, El Palo Alto (our city’s namesake redwood tree), meet Perry, the model for the donkey in Shrek on Barron Park trail and stop for ice cream or other snacks along the way.

Enjoy the Fairmeadow event fair. At the Stanford Research Park booth, receive rechargeable bike tail lights and make your own trail mix to enjoy along the way (while supplies last). Other booths offer: Mini bike tune-ups to ensure an easier ride, a traffic garden for practicing bike handling off road, a booth where you can talk with city planners about improving bike routes. Families can visit the Safe Routes to School information booth.

Visit for more information