Happy Holidays from the CTRA

Thanks to everyone who turned out for our Winter Sing-a-Long last week! It was so much fun making our way up College Avenue, singing holidays songs–sometimes in tune, sometimes in sync–and spending time with neighbors.

Thanks to Eileen Stolee for organizing the sing-a-long (and for the colorful lanterns the kids carried), her husband Richard for leading the singers, and to everyone else who helped put on this delightful event. And extra thanks to Alex Perez and everyone at Library Services for allowing us to use the space outside the College Terrace Library, where we met up for hot cocoa and mulled wine before heading off to sing.

Winter Sing-A-Long: December 14 at 6pm

Join your College Terrace neighbors for a festive winter sing-a-long next Wednesday, December 14 at 6pm. Meet at the College Terrace Library where you can pick up a lantern, songbook, and a cup of hot chocolate or mulled wine. Then we’ll walk through the neighborhood singing holiday songs. Hope to see you there!

PA History Program on Local Environmental Movement History

The Palo Alto Historical Association is hosting its December program, “A Climate of Unrest Gave Rise to the Environmental Movement,” in-person this Sunday from 2pm-4pm at the Mitchell Park Community Center.

The 1960s and ’70s were among the most tumultuous decades with the war in Vietnam, civil rights, and political assassinations creating headlines and activism. There was also a growing awakening that pollution was having major effects on the planet, prominently on display by rivers repeatedly catching fire in Ohio.

Human activities were cited as the cause of pollution as well as other environmental harm to the planet as clearly described by Rachel Carson in her 1962 publication Silent Spring. The book is largely credited with starting the modern environmental movement.

In response to the rise of planetary concerns, President Nixon created the Environmental Protection Act in 1970. Nixon also signed the Clean Air Act in 1970 and the Clean Water Act in 1972.

Locally, the environmental movement was taking hold in major ways. Individuals were inspired to take initiative and form organizations to focus their energies on some of the most threatened and threatening of actions that had previously gone largely unchecked.

At the December PAHA Vignettes program, we will hear from some of these local organizations, each of them celebrating a significant anniversary in the year 2022: Green Foothills, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Environmental Volunteers, and Canopy.

Why and how were these organizations formed and by whom? How has their work changed since formation and what has been accomplished? What do they see as major challenges ahead for the environment and their work? Please join us for a lively discussion about their missions, their work, their successes, and challenges to make this a better place that, for some, literally means a livable place.

Car Free Streets Community Workshop: December 7

The City of Palo Alto is hosting an in-person interactive Community Workshop on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at 310 California Avenue (Performance Gains Gym) to discuss priorities, opportunities, and challenges of Palo Alto’s car-free streets: California Avenue between El Camino Real and Birch Street, and the half block of Ramona Street between University Avenue and Hamilton Avenue.

This community workshop will include a presentation on the Program’s background, the existing conditions, an update on where the Program is going, and a chance for you to share your experience and ideas to help shape a future study for the streets. This engagement effort is a part of the Uplift Local: Car-Free Streets, California Avenue and Ramona Street Program—a Council-supported initiative launched during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow for outdoor dining, retail, and personal services on certain portions of Ramona Street and California Avenue. 

For more information, visit the Program page. To RSVP for the workshop, use this link:
